Danish And O'neill

Episode 61: Kumquat to Italy



In this episode, we're firing on all cylinders. Barbara turned in an MVP performance with stellar articles for us to discuss. Also, if you like air raid O'Neill, this is the episode for you. First, we dissect the most disgusting episode of Hoarders ever. It scarred both of us forever. RIP to the old Danish and O'Neill. Then, we got into the return of everyone's favorite conman doctor, Dr. Love. We also talk about the craziest law ever that was passed in Italy. Seriously, Italy?!? After that, we take North Carolina to task over a license plate dispute. O'Neill flips out about an article about young people not having sex. Lastly, we discuss an article about the college roommate from hell and then do a little post show wrap up. Enjoy it, suckas.