Danish And O'neill

Episode 66: Who's Your Grandaddy



Wow. What an episode you're in store for today, dear listener. Right off the bat, O'Neill rights a wrong by reading an email that he somehow overlooked. How could we possibly follow that?!? Well, there's only one way: by reading a listener haiku that's based on something we discussed last episode. We then get into a discussion about "creepers". Next, we ponder where Bushman could be and play a VM Danish left for him. After that, we give everyone a REAL treat by introducing them to Australian Batman. In honor of Halloween being nearly upon us, Danish goes over some common hazardous items in candy, which O'Neill dismisses as "urban legend". Speaking of O'Neill, he details hiking incident 48. The talk of nature got us into some brief owl talk, which led O'Neill to read an email from yet another listener who's a bird expert, and he opposes the first "expert's" opinion. From Barb's cubicle comes (with a "u") a fantastic story that will make you think twice about dating the elderly via online dating site