Got Faded Japan

Got Faded Japan ep 710! Biggest Japanese Sex Doll Museum Opens!



  Got Faded Japan ep 710! In this week’s wild and bizarre news, MASSIVE SEX DOLL MUSEUM OPENS in TOKYO,  major store busted for selling meatballs as meatballs, driving teacher arrested for showing students his “stick shift”, the Vending Machine Bandits are again loose in the streets, pervert popped for loving woman’s car way too much,  all this and much more on this action-packed episode of Got Faded Japan!   FADE ON! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supporting GOT FADED JAPAN ON PATREON directly supports keeping this show going and fueled with booze, seriously could you imagine the show sober?? Neither can we! SUPPORT GFJ at: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS AND SUPPORT THE SHOW!!!! 1. THE SPILT INK: Experience art, buy art and get some original art commissioned at: SITE: INSTAGRAM: @thespiltink ----------