Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

Ep 329: The Surprising Truth About Unconscious Decisions



Everyone Sheevaun Moran here Driving For Your Success in today's topic is the surprising truth about unconscious decisions. Our unconscious does so many things to us. well really for us. It gives us a lot of Clues along the way and it gives us a lot of Heartache because we definitely live more from the unconscious than we do from choice groundedness anchoredness in our body and our surprising decisions in our unconscious are that we actually move away from things that are going to help us achieve our goals faster and sooner. That's really tricky and interesting we move toward things that are about more feels and about being seen and the really interesting thing about our unconscious is it gives us little clues about decisions that we're about to make yet our logical brain comes and steps in and says no no wait wait wait wait. I remember this one client who came to me years ago I met her after I'd done a speaking event and I met her at the back of the room she said oh my God I swear to God you were talking to