Bob Cargill's Marketing Show

Let Go of the Message



Episode 176 - Let Go of the Message  Many people, for personal and professional reasons, are afraid of letting go of the message on social media. Yet ironically, if they shared what they had to say loosely and liberally on social media, chances are the message - THEIR message - would reach more people, people they might not have reached otherwise. So letting go of the message can be a good thing on social media because you can let others respond to that message, interact with that message, help you spread that message further, faster to many more people. You can be afraid of letting go of the message, but that means your message has very little impact if any at all. On the other hand, if you let go of that message - by the way, a message just like this one of mine - on social media, you just may see exponential growth in terms of friendships, fans, connections and customers, whatever it is that you would like to have more of on social media. All of that - and, yes, more - could be yours if you were just willi