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Choosing How You Show Up Can Get Rid Of Burnout With Marcy Axelrod



People mostly see burnout as an inescapable challenge that plague any workplace culture. But in reality, you can this draining situation just by choosing how you show up. In this episode, Penny Zenker learns how to do this with keynote speaker, award-winning author, and TV personality Marcy Axelrod. Marcy explains how to shift from your brain’s left hemisphere, which is responsible for your movements, and into your right hemisphere, where your imagination and emotions lie. She discusses how activating this side of your brain can lift you up from burnout and show up with a better outlook in life. She also explains how to integrate these brain hemispheres by using certain movements, gaining better attunement with nature, art, music, and all the beautiful things in the world. Be sure to listen to this insightful episode as Marcy guides you in navigating the natural flow of the mind and achieve balance that will be useful in your battle against burnout.Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, a