Indio Radio Podcast!

John And Kane on Indio Radio - Tuesday 12-22-15



Live from Shock City Studios! ( - @ShockCityMusic) John and Kane are LIVE Monday thru Friday at 10a CT on INDIO RADIO...It's The John and Kane Show - It's ANOTHER DOWNLOADABLE SHOW! It's Tuesday, and we kick off the show with our sex therapist: Lindsay Walden! (@SexyThoughts7) we talk about the adult toys you can play with - with a great way to gift this year...and as you would guess, John is uncomfortable:) Don't forget, discounts available when you enter the code: lickJAKS - listen to the podcast and take advantage! It's always great having Lindsay in - and she is great with depression, anxiety - couples and even sex therapy, so make sure to connect with Lindsay here: - @SexyThoughts7 - or call: 314-485-9189 - Then we bring in our videographer's friend Marcus Eder! We have some exclusive, historic Star Wars material you may or may not be aware of...Marcus contributes in many ways and we appreciate that! Then we close it out with a special performance from