Maximize Your Social With Neal Schaffer

LinkedIn Updates for 2023 You Need to Know



What do you do after you publish 2 books on LinkedIn but would rather work on new content rather than revise the older books?You offer a free update on LinkedIn best practices.With that thought, my free ebook, Maximizing LinkedIn for Business, was born.Now in its 4th edition, which I am announcing with this podcast episode, this is a 55-page PDF chock full of recommendations and best practices that has become a labor of love to revise annually to make sure it is even more up-to-date than a published book, which aren't as frequently updated.This year I decided to focus on creating two new chapters:1️⃣ The Art of LinkedIn Content - helping you understand and create the new types of content that appear to get the most visibility in the LinkedIn feed2️⃣ How to Leverage A.I. Specifically for LinkedIn - introducing the tools and processes that I use to inspire you to do more on LinkedInIf you were curious the chapter I removed to make way for the new chapters is:LinkedIn Automation: I included it because I kno