Accelerate! With Andy Paul

A Conversation with Andreas Jonsson



Andreas Jonsson is the co-founder and CEO of SHIELD. As LinkedIn offers the unique opportunity to thrive in sales while leveraging your own personal brand, Andreas shares how individual contributors, entrepreneurs, and companies can achieve this. An individual's personal brand has a direct impact on sales and creates a tribe of like-minded people. When you find your content market fit, double down on it, and post your unique point-of-view around your product or service. When you provide true value, the revenue comes almost as a byproduct of helping others.  HIGHLIGHTS SHIELD: Helping individual content creators on LinkedIn  Build leverage through your personal brand Fear is the root of resistance from leaders  Follower count is a vanity metric for content market fit Create a tribe around your personal brand QUOTES Andreas: "We're actually focusing on creators, individual creators, a whole lot more. And when I say individual creators, it's a catch-all phrase right now. So it's someone creating content