Catalyst Sale Podcast: Sales Training | Sales Strategy | B2b | Selling | Marketing

Micro Events with guests Jeff Bajorek, Scott Leese, and Larry Long Jr - 343



"Vulnerability is something that we probably don't talk about often enough in sales. That you have to be able to and willing to let your guard down in order to allow other people to let their respective guards down. So you can actually make the changes that you need to make"  Larry Long Jr. "It provides the opportunity for what I believe to be the magical sweet spot of rest, relaxation and business productivity. You're getting enough of both that both of those cups are full" Scott Leese "We talk about how important it is to have that kind of moment, to step away. I'm getting ready to step away from my business for a couple of weeks here, and it's not until I do that stuff that I recognize the value of it" Jeff Bajorek "It provides that space, that we're all talking about. That space to let go that space to be creative, that space to listen to others and the things that they're going through and work through those things as a way to get out of my own stuff" Mike Simmons Micro Events and Golf and Sales round II