Your Mileage May Vary

Barbie Heteronormative? Cum Reliability Thresholds, Stuck Condoms, Blow Refusals, Hot Exercise Videos



If I were a therapist, and a couple came in for counseling, sex would be on the agenda as a topic of conversation. I'd be suspicious if one of the partners completely took it off the table. Before you ask, I am cognizant that, despite Michael Phelps' claims to the contrary, the evidence for the efficacy of most types of therapy is weak. Is there an orgasm reliability threshold below which a typical man would pretty much stop masturbating? Is it reasonable for his female partner to feel "used" if they frequently have sex where he doesn't finish? What really is the difference from her perspective? And, is the new Barbie movie reinforcing outmoded stereotypes, or merely bringing them back into fashion where they belong? Either way, the movie's success hasn't done much for Mattel's stock price. We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this week: