Profitable Farmer

Episode 124 - What does it take to SCALE?



What does moving from a ‘start-up’ to ‘significance’ as an entrepreneur take? Let’s find out. In this episode, I am delighted to reconnect with my past business coaching client, now successful entrepreneur Steven Mirtschin. Leaving a successful banking career to back himself in business, Steven now leads over 13 businesses and a team of over 150. Over 15 years, Steven has successfully scaled a combination of franchise-based businesses in the fitness and hospitality sectors. He has sought out team members and others to partner with, created immense opportunities for those within his team, established a small business empire that delivers first-class service to those he serves, and proven results for all involved. There are so many insights to come from this discussion. For me, Steven shows us that successfully scaling up in business requires: a shift in mindset from an operator to manager and strong leader; a long-term commitment to a clear and compelling vision; constant adaptation to your business model