Your Mileage May Vary

Female Fake Orgasm Spectrum, Too Long, Too Short, Male Climax Clues



For a man, orgasms are pretty much binary. Sure, there are some tantra afficionados who will tell you that ejaculation and orgasm for a man can be separate and the like. But for most men, they either cum or they don't, and the semen is the proof. For women, the tale of the tape can be quite different. We can all agree that a woman is "faking it" if she receives nothing resembling an orgasm from the act. But what if she has one proper orgasm and then a series of "aftershocks". Should she be accused of faking if the subsequent events are, in her mind, orgasms in their own right? Alongside this, why do men obsess over being able to "make" a woman orgasm. Sure, I can see the allure of her receiving intense pleasure from the same organ that gives you such pleasure (I'm referring to your penis). But, women's pleasure isn't really vicarious in this way. They have their own apparatus to manage. And, as with most things in life, to do it well you must first do it yourself. Can any woman (or man for that matter) seriou