Saulle Says Podcast

Saulle Says: Transformation



When you get to be my age...which is realize that you are running out of time to be the person you want to be and accomplish all of the things you want to accomplish.   So you realize that you need to make fundamental and often times significant changes in your life.    Usually those changes are small and are done over time.  However, sometimes it requires a massive overhaul.    I opted for the latter.  Why?   Because I've tried baby steps before and it got me nowhere, so I decided to implement a series of profound changes all at once.   This is the story of what I am doing and the inspiration behind my metamorphisis.    Hopefully, you will find some value in my personal experiences and it will help you create a new journey of your own.   It's only been a month, but I feel like a completely different person in many ways.   You can reach me at if you'd like to be a guest on the Saulle Says podcast. I'm also more than happy to be a guest on your podcast or live video.   Please che