Stephen J. Kosmyna

Metaphysics of Manifestation II - Mind - Thinker - Thought



In this episode I go deeper into the nature and origin of everything that shows up as our reality and experience. In the preceding episodes, I began discussing the field and laws of infinite potential and your own personal doorway to a place in consciousness where all things are possible. I began the discussion by talking about unconditioned source energy.In the last episode we looked at the metaphysical definitions of energy, power and thought and their relationship to each other. In this episode, we take a closer look at thoughts and their source as a product of thinking. Then we go just back of that by examining mortal mind and Universal Mind.We will continue this deep dive moving forward in the next few episodes to help you make the connection to your Source of power to help you make manifest the life and conditions you would love to live and experience.For now it's about awareness, contemplation, reflection and pondering your infinite potential and the unlimited energy and power that not only is ava