Maximize Your Social With Neal Schaffer

Social Media for IT (Information Technology) Professionals? You Bet!



A look into how information technology and project managers can proactively use social media and add value in a social business world.Key Highlights[01:3] IT Professionals' Roles in Social Business Strategy[02:47] 4 Areas Where Information Technology Professionals Can Add Value In A Social Business World[02:58] Managing the Growing Volume and Complexity of Content[04:28] The Advantages of Having A Blog[05:36] Leading on Google Authorship and Google Plus[09:15] Role in Employee Advocacy[12:28] Managing Social Big DataNotable QuotesAlso, I made a point to tell everybody, because it obviously there's a lot of people who knew about the tools that you know, there's a traditional sort of definition of social business or the social enterprise that emphasizes the tools.So, you know, the other important thing is that people are contacting companies, after they've already made a decision whether or not that whether or not they want to do business with them based on information that they found on the