Talkins Hit With Eddie Ifft

Episode 442: " The Bingle Bike" with Judah Friedlander



Eddie (@EddieIfft) is recording in New York City... unofficially the only podcast ever recorded on a pedicab. This week's c0-host, Brian McCarthy (@BrianPMcCarthy), explains the actual difference from a pedicab and a rickshaw. Eddie interviews Max, the driver, while Brian jumps ship to get beers - blow jobs are a common currency for pedicabs in Manhattan. After 2 tours of MacDougal Street in Greenwich Village, Eddie and Brian finally find some people to talk to, including - Judah Friedlander (@JudahWorldChamp), famously known from 30 Rock as well as The Wrestler, Zoolander, and apparently the brand new Star Wars: A Force Awakens (that's what it says on IMDB). Judah is a long-time friend of Eddie from NYC.  Buy Judah's new bo0k, "If the Raindrops United", use the Amazon Click-Thru link on Shit stories ensue. Listen in for that and much more on this episode of Talkin' Shit. Don't forget - rate and review Talkin' Shit (aka "Talkins Hit") on iTunes or your favorite podcasting service! Follow th