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Back from Europe, Keith offers a way to break the ice with women on a date in a way that gets them talking about things they enjoy discussing. It's a reasonable suggestion, and one that Mike unwittingly deployed recently at the grocery store as well. Keith wants to know if there's anything that an attractive woman can do without being super aggressive that would be a complete turn-off to a man during an early sexual encounter with her. Is repulsion even possible in that situation? If a man is very attracted to a woman, and that woman has a twin sister, will the man be attracted to the twin as well? And, if the man becomes less attracted to his partner for whatever reason, will he start finding the sister more and more attractive? Can this cause relationship problems? Me, I have very little experience with twins. Twinks, sure, but not twins. A woman wants to save her boyfriend's semen as a "souvenir". Another is concerned because her husband has lost sexual interest in her. And a man, in a curiously female-sou