You Can't Handle The Emet

Miles Masterson - Protect The West Coast - Coffee and Conversations with Champions



Miles is the Communications & Fundraising Manager for Protect the West Coast a Non Profit based in Cape Town, South Africa. He has been surfing since he was 9 years old and traveling to the beautiful West Coast of South Africa to surf and seek enjoy it's beauty since he was 12 years old. In that time he was witnessed first had the effects mining has had on the region and the local population. We sit dow to discuss why he is so passionate about protecting this beautiful and fragile area of South Africa, what it means to South Africa and the world as a whole, why he feels so strongly about protecting the indigenous population and standing up on their behalf. We need to know that we can all make a difference in protecting, empowering and enhancing those things that are important to us and Miles is a sterling example of this. We are all cable of much so much. Welcome to Coffee and Conversations with Champions, the Nicholas Ingel Experience Edition, Episode 1