Maximize Your Social With Neal Schaffer

Stop Being a Cheapskate: The Importance of Investing in Marketing



In this podcast episode, I discuss the importance of investing in marketing and not being too frugal with marketing budgets. I share personal examples of how investing money in the right areas can lead to significant returns in terms of lead generation and business growth. I emphasize the importance of not being a "cheapskate" in marketing and instead doing smart marketing. This episode highlights the mindset of how we spend our money and the need to reconstruct a marketing budget on a year-to-year basis.TIMESTAMPSInvesting in Marketing [00:01:14] I share personal examples of how investing a little more money in marketing tools and webinars can lead to significant returns in terms of lead generation and business growth.Importance of AI in Marketing [00:04:09] I emphasize the importance of investing in marketing tools that incorporate AI, as almost every marketing tool is including some form of AI into their tool.Influencer Marketing [00:06:44] I discusses the importance of investing in influencer ma