Contractor Success Map With Randal Dehart | Contractor Bookkeeping And Accounting Services

530: How To Manage Your Construction Company Payroll Effectively



This Podcast Is Episode Number 530, And It's About How To Manage Your Construction Company Payroll Effectively Payroll is one of those things that starts simply enough. You start your construction business and hire a few employees, and things tick along. It's straightforward enough to keep everything in line at first, but what happens to most companies is… they grow! This is a great thing, but it also means that payroll becomes more complicated. As such an essential aspect of your business, payroll must run smoothly. Getting paid is, after all, the primary reason that most people come to work.   One of the biggest challenges contractors face is keeping track of overtime hours. With so many employees working on different job sites and projects, it isn't easy to calculate their overtime pay accurately. Complying with all federal and state labor laws is another essential aspect of a construction payroll system. This includes appropriately classifying employees as exempt or non-exempt, withholding the correct am