Stephen J. Kosmyna

Taming the Inner Critic and Mind Chatter



In this episode I continue to offer you ways to limit and disengage from the ceaseless inner critic and monkey mind chatter that is going on within all of us. It’s not something you can stop entirely however you can calm it down and direct it to be a cheerleader rather than a powerful negative influence that is always critical of every thought, word and action that makes up your day.Left alone this inner chatter has the potential to sabotage your goals and dreams leaving you with unwanted results day in and day out. Leaving this voice unrestrained and running rampant is an inefficient and ineffective way to move through your days while at the same time expecting positive outcomes.In this episode I share several different techniques you can use to tame this monkey mind and develop supportive inner commentary. Becoming aware of habitual negative thought patterns and word tracks then replacing them will feel like a breath of fresh air plus you'll start to feel good about yourself as you see daily positive result