Your Mileage May Vary

Keith's Poor Sock, Thinking Of Baseball, Oral First, Changing Rhythm, Wiping It Off, Being Animalistic



We convene today to discuss a topic at least as important as the "debt ceiling" and when AI is going to take your job: What exactly is the purpose of women typically wanting the first scene of the sex act to be them performing oral on the man? This is made especially vital as we have a first-person account of a man whose female partner was angered when he orgasmed during the oral instead of waiting. A man decides to pull out his penis, wipe it off and put it back in, which reminds Mike of Devin The Dude and his well-known song with Dr. Dre, He promises to take it out and wipe it off if he's "going too far." Makes sense to me. A woman wants to encourage her man to provide more animalistic sex, and another is complaining that men "change rhythm" when she's close to orgasm. Does it bother women when men have to think of baseball to avoid cumming too soon? And, what's the deal with Keith's sock? We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are lin