Igniting Souls Podcast With Kary Oberbrunner

Turn Your Book Into 18 Streams Of Income - #4 - Audiobook



If you’re not publishing your book as an audiobook, you’re leaving money on the table! This week on the 18 Streams of Income livestream, we talked about publishing in audiobook format, which puts your book in the hands of readers quickly and conveniently. Audiobooks can also help you branch into some of the other streams of income that we’ll talk about in later livestreams and podcasts. Audiobooks aren’t just another format to publish in—they’re the quickest way to scale trust with your audience and reach new readers.  Find out more about audiobook publishing here and tune in as we move through all 18 streams of income for authors.  You can join us live or watch the replays at https://karyoberbrunner.com/18book