Hope Discovered

Join the Movement for Mental Health Awareness Month During May



May is Mental Health Awareness Month and has been observed in the U.S. since 1949. Every month is Mental Health Awareness month here at CommQuest because it is one of our three pillars of care, along with addiction recovery and social support.During May there is a national movement to raise awareness about mental health. Some of the goals of this movement are to fight stigma, provide support, educate the public, and advocate for policies that support the millions of people in the U.S. affected by mental illness.On this episode Dr Michele Heberling, Chief Clinical Officer and Grete Heatherly, Clinical Site Coordinator at Alliance Outpatient for CommQuest Services discuss numerous aspects of mental health such as some of the most common disorders, the stigma that still exists around treatment, and how everyone can play a role to educate and raise awareness for mental health.For more information about CommQuest Services, please visit CommQuest.org or call 330.455.0374.