Sales Reinvented

How to Get Referrals Without Asking for Them According to Stacey Brown Randall, Ep #350



Stacey Brown Randall agrees with the majority definition of a referral: It is a potential client being referred to you. To qualify as a referral, there has to be a personal connection to the referral source. Secondly, the prospect needs to know they have a problem and are interested in solving it (thus willing to be connected with you).  But getting referrals is where Stacey’s strategy differs from the norm. Stacey believes that you should never ask for referrals. So how do you get them? Listen to this episode of Sales Reinvented to find out!  Outline of This Episode [1:00] What are referrals? How do they work in sales? [2:09] Common mistakes salespeople make and how to avoid them [4:40] How to leverage social media to generate referrals [6:35] The #1 thing you need to do is look at referral sources [8:27] How to measure the success of a referral program [10:05] How to cultivate existing relationships to get referrals [12:56] Best practices for generating referrals [14:41] The role of technology in referral