Sportsbeat Kc

Podcast: Replacing Peter Vermes as coach not off table if Sporting KC woes continue



A victory in its last MLS game stopped the spiral for Sporting KC, the final team to win a game this season. It occurred in the 11th league game. The awful start continued a trend from last year when only one team in the Western Conference finished with fewer points. What are the reasons for the slow start and how much responsibility falls on the shoulders of manager and sporting director Peter Vermes? Vermes is the constant with the franchise, which has been among the most success in league history. He’s the longest tenured coach in MLS. Some fans chanted, “Vermes out,” at the team’s most recent home game. On today’s SportsBeat KC, Star columnist and former Sporting beat writer Sam McDowell discusses his recent intereview with Sporting KC principal owner Mike Illig and team president and CEO Jake Reid, and what steps could be taken to improve the team’s fortunes. Story link: Sporting KC’s sticking with Vermes, but owners say they’re not scared to make a change