Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

3 Abundance & Scarcity Money Patterns that Create Financial Freedom (or stop it)



Have you ever felt like you are getting in your own way when it comes to making money?   You probably are… but I have good news.   Your brain has scarcity and abundance patterns operating inside of it, and if you aren’t reaching your money goals yet, then it’s time to lean out of scarcity patterns and into those abundance patterns!   Listen to this week’s podcast episode because I’m giving you the 3 abundance patterns you’ve got to tap into if you want to increase cash flow, build wealth, and unlock financial freedom.   The biggest takeaways from today’s episode are: I reveal the 3 abundance patterns you NEED to create lasting wealth. I show you the thoughts that will lead you to scarcity or abundance so you can start creating new pathways in your brain and program your thoughts to create financial freedom. The hidden KEY to achieving success. Your success starts within your mind, and how you think matters. When you can align your subconscious thought pathways to achieve wealth, then you