Sage Advice Podcast

Thought Leader - Tim Timberlake on his book The Art of Overcoming



Tim Timberlake is the Senior Pastor of Celebration Church in Jacksonville, Florida, and Creedmoor, North Carolina. He is a gifted communicator and teacher who can communicate with people from all walks of life. His sense of humor, combined with his in-depth Bible teaching, gives the listener and reader the tools to transform their lives from the inside out. Tim is a graduate of the Pistis School of Ministry in Detroit, Michigan. He also takes pleasure in the small things and is an avid sports fan and a popular thought leader.   Outline Why do you do what you do? The Art of Overcoming was born out of pain. The first step to healing and overcoming is acknowledgment. If we never address these issues, they will resurface in different ways throughout the course of our life. Who is a hero of yours and why are they a hero?   Pre-sale link to his new book The Art of Overcoming.