Grief, Guts And Green Smoothies

117: Understanding and overcoming dysregulation w/ Jennifer Watson



Melissa spends a lot of time on social media, and coaches and entrepreneurs frequently build their businesses through these platforms. Yet, she hears many people complain that social media is fake. They want authentic connections.But that has not been Melissa’s experience. And today’s guest is one example of connecting authentically with a person through social media.Jennifer Watson is a seeker of truth, a high-performance leadership coach, and a practitioner. She is here to share her magic and what’s alive in her today. This conversation goes deep into our nervous system and regulation. No one walks around saying I have a dysregulated nervous system. Yet we experience many symptoms that are out of regulation, fight or flight, and autopilot. Jennifer helps leaders heal so they can activate others. Jennifer shares her journey of mental wellness, emotional wellness, and her dysregulation struggle. She talks about coaching from your healing and not your wound, how you cannot separate wellness and leadership, and
