Your Mileage May Vary

Internal And External Orgasms, Sex After Marriage, Male Contraceptive Irresponsibility



A lively conversation with Allison, who works with women who are dating after getting out of a long-term relationship. Allison is also an author. Her book, "Find Love Again: Learn how to Date Like A Goddess," penned under the name Allison Jayne, seeks to help women navigate the dating, relationships and sex. According to Allison, essentially no guys offer to use a condom when having sex with a new conquest for the first time. This led Keith to offer what I consider some pretty solid advice for men to turn this to their advantage. Allison also has a healthy sex drive, and she helped us understand the differences between clitoral and internal orgasms. She described how entering the dating pool enabled her to explore her sexuality in a way that wasn't really possible while married. For more information about Allison, you can check out her website, which also contains links to her book: Twitter: @ymmvpod Facebook: ymmvpod Email: