Cancer Research Uk

Sex, intimacy and cancer



Kicking off the second season of That Cancer Conversation, we talk about sex, intimacy and cancer.From chemotherapy to sex shops, we sit down with three amazing guests to discuss sexual wellbeing for those living with and beyond cancer. Cancer nurse and psychosexual therapist, Dr Isabel White speaks about the various ways cancer can impact our sexual wellbeing and shares some tips on how to have conversations about sex with health professionals.   Sex with Cancer co-founder, Brian Lobel tells us about the online initiative he created with his friend Joon-Lynn Goh, and the vital resources that have been gathered along the journey. And Tara shares her personal experience of having cervical cancer and exploring her body and sexuality beyond treatment. If you’d like to learn more about sex and cancer, here are some resources:About CancerSex with Cancer College of Sexual & Relationship TherapistsLive Through This Perci healthFor more cancer stories from us, check out Cancer n