Got Faded Japan

Got Faded Japan ep 691! “A seductively overpowering experience in Japan”



Got Faded Japan ep 691 Tourist season is upon us once again and the GFJ crew breaks down some dos and don'ts for people looking to see Japan. Seriously we're talking about advice from veterans with 70+ years of combined experience in Japan, so if you're even slightly curious about coming to Japan then you need to listen to this episode. In the news this week the elders just won't go gently into the sweet night. This week we had a rash of violent crime perpetuated by senior citizens including wife beats abusive husband to death with a mop, some maniac attacks his sisters with an ax and gets a heavy dose of karma, and a woman kept her mother's mummified corpse in the house hoping that she'd spring back to life. All this and more on your one and only GFJ! FADE ON! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If  you are in the Tokyo area or planning on vising Tokyo in early May, explore TOKYO ART TANK vol 9! There’s so much to enjoy and explore: - Artwork from 25 loca