Sage Advice Podcast

Thought Leader - Grant Peelle on why storytelling is more about focus than freedom



Grant Peelle is a highly skilled and driven filmmaker with a unique approach to storytelling, crafting visually stunning films that captivate audiences. With a strong focus on owning his role on set and adopting a "fox, chicken, chicken seed" approach to problem-solving, he has become a respected Senior Creative Director at Muse Storytelling. Grant and his team have traveled to over 100 countries to pursue stories, working with brands such as Apple, Fujifilm, Four Seasons, and the NFL. Through his education work with Muse Storytelling, Grant has shared his knowledge and expertise with aspiring filmmakers all over the world, empowering the next generation of storytellers to develop their own unique voice and style.   Outline Introduction to Grant Peelle. The motivation to express and create stories comes out of a desire to improve the world. Why does great storytelling come more from focus than freedom? The more specific you can make your prompt, the better result you will get. What are some of the q