Your Mileage May Vary

Dating Advice, Validating Women In Bed, Stripper Aftermaths, Soho House Dreams



We discuss with Celeste Moore her experiences with coaching mid-life men on dating, how men and women approach sexual experiences, and the during and after of working in a strip club. I think the typical assumption is that different people experience dating in more or less the same way. But there's a pretty significant gender gap in how things get experienced. This is particularly true at younger ages, when young women might feel like they can "get away" with anything because there are plenty of fish in the sea, and young men are just trying to navigate the maze to get sex. But, as people age, the tables turn to a significant extent, and maybe what men and women are looking for even begins to look more similar. In my mind, they're both likely looking for membership into exclusive spaces, like the Soho House. Is such a place the same as sugar dating, or is there an important difference? Should people seek partners online or in person? Has dating gone awry? Which reminds me, I went to the Tesla factory the othe