Johnny Kielbasa's Sausage Hut

SH 209: A Meaty Thunder!



Just as Johnny gets ready to dive into important, heady material, he's interrupted by Steve from sales at Johnny's day gig. Then it's time for another installment of ChatGPT Poetry Corner! Johnny's first two requests are DENIED by ChatGPT for being inappropriate. Then Johnny strikes gold with two requests: 1. Pretend you are John Milton. You are at home eating lunch when a strange package arrives. You open the package. It is full of magical meatballs. The meatballs inspire you to write a poem. What would this poem be? "Oh, what strange enchantment fills my humble abode, As a package arrives with a wondrous load. Magical meatballs, so strange and so rare, They fill me with wonder, with awe and with care. Their power so great, their taste so divine, My heart sings with joy, my soul starts to shine. And as I partake of this mystical feast, My mind starts to race, my inspiration released. The words start to flow, like a river unbound, A poem takes shape, with its rhythms and sounds. The meatballs inspire