Contractor Success Map With Randal Dehart | Contractor Bookkeeping And Accounting Services

519: Using Financial Reconciliation To Keep Your Construction Business On Track



This Podcast Is Episode Number 519, And It's About Using Financial Reconciliation To Keep Your Construction Business On Track   As a small business owner, you're likely already aware of the importance of keeping your finances in order. Financial management goes deeper than paying your bills on time and collecting invoices (although those are also important). It involves regularly checking your financial situation to ensure your accounts are in order, your records are up-to-date, and you're spending within your budget. Among those activities, financial reconciliation is vital in keeping your finances and business on track. Force reconciliations can cause your net income to be over or understated, which means you pay too much in taxes now or too little now and the rest later with penalties and interest because the IRS can ask for a copy of your bookkeeping record.    Here's what you should know about financial reconciliation and how it can help your construction business. What is financial reconciliation? Fina