Catalyst Sale Podcast: Sales Training | Sales Strategy | B2b | Selling | Marketing

Revolutionize Your B2B Marketing Strategy with Nelson Gilliat - 326



“It's marketing's job to generate leads for sales and sales job is to help those buyers." - Nelson Gilliat   Nelson Gilliat Nelson Gilliat is a seasoned expert in B2B marketing and the founder of Marketing Led Growth, a company that champions the buyer-centric revenue model. With a keen understanding of modern buyer preferences and technology, Nelson has helped businesses adapt their sales and marketing strategies to better serve their customers. Nelson is also the host of the Buyer-Centric Revenue Model podcast, where he shares his insights and experiences with other marketing professionals, making him an influential voice in the B2B marketing world.   In this episode you will learn: The importance of mastering the art of a buyer-centric revenue model in B2B marketing.  How to strengthen the effectiveness of marketing to generate high-quality leads, customers, and user engagement.  How to bridge the gap between marketing and sales teams for a seamless, collaborative buying experience.   Episode Resources: