Albuquerque Business Podcast

How to Become a Reflective Leader: Stop Reacting and Start Thinking



In this episode, we explore the importance of distinguishing between reactive and reflective states of mind. Reactivity is often driven by fear, panic, stress, and anxiety, and it can be an indicator of a lack of trust in oneself and the business built. On the other hand, being reflective allows for the necessary space to think, evaluate options, and find solutions. We discuss how it's easy to slip into a reactive state when facing problems, emphasizing the need to pause, calm down, and assess the situation. Trusting in your business to provide stability and support is essential. Breathe deeply and ask yourself, "What is the worst thing that could happen?" Take control of what's within your power and give yourself some space to distance from the issue. We introduce the concept of fear-setting, a powerful exercise that helps conquer fears by defining and assessing them on a scale of 1 to 10. This exercise can reveal that some fears might not be as significant as initially thought, allowing you to address them