Johnny Kielbasa's Sausage Hut

SH 208: Moutarde, S'il Vous Plait!



Johnny weighs in on motorcycle psychology then calls upon Beef Girthhouse to hash out the rigamarole of the MLB pitch clock and the NBA play in tournament. After that, Johnny, contemplating mustard/mayo ratios and mustard delivery systems, brings on Dave Mustard of Mustard's Mustard Consulting Group to analyze the successful percentage of mustard that we should strive to get out of any given container of mustard. Go binge our over 600 evergreen hilarious and funky episodes! And how about leaving us a positive review? Thanks! All the original musical sweetness you hear is composed, produced, and performed by Johnny F. Kielbasa. While you're here, go to, search "funk", and enjoy all the free funk you can fit in a bacon bracelet. Follow Johnny on Twitter: @JohnnyKielbasa Check out our awesome videos on Instagram: johnnykielbasarocks