Happy Health Chat

Ep 246: How to fix Binge & Comfort Eating (and why both are TOTALLY logical!)



So, as a recovered binge and comfort eater, how do we move on and let go of bingeing and comfort eating? How can we fix this habit and behaviour? And also what is it telling us about our bodies and our lives? That is what we are looking at today in this week's episode. How can you fix your binge and comfort eating? Because this is something I've worked on with a lot of clients and also work through myself and I am going to share some stuff in today's episode that I basically can guarantee you've not heard before or thought about when it comes to this area. Most people's approach to bingeing and comfort eating is this, ‘just stop it’ mentality (Dealing with the habit) Whereas in true holistic nutritionist style, I really want to look at the root cause. Why are you bingeing? Why are you comfort eating? Because when you can figure out what the real problem is, you can actually solve it. And bingeing and comfort eating, they're just symptoms of a deeper root cause and that is what I'm going to share with you in t