Contractor Success Map With Randal Dehart | Contractor Bookkeeping And Accounting Services

516: Construction Business Growth Through Networking And Having A Mentor



This Podcast Is Episode Number 516, And It's About Construction Business Growth Through Networking And Having A Mentor Most business owners receive plenty of well-intentioned advice and 'helpful opinion' from family and friends. However, good business advice spoken from commercial experience is another matter entirely. That's not to say it's hard to find, but finding a reputable source in the Internet age is sometimes less than straightforward – especially if you have a specific problem to solve and limited time. This is why, for good times or bad, developing a network of peers or seeking out a business mentor can be a great idea. Networking Business owners shouldn't feel they need to operate in isolation. There are several options to consider, and you're not limited to only one or a few. Developing a network of peers and colleagues is an excellent way to keep in touch with new developments, and you'll have a great resource to access when you need input and advice. Your local chamber of commerce Your local