Profitable Farmer

Episode 115 - Thinking like an Investor…



Throughout each year, I value the opportunity to invite our Investment Specialist Terry Tran to join us on Profitable Farmer.   With rising inflation, increasing interest rates, ongoing supply issues and softening commodity prices we are potentially entering a new agri-economic landscape, different from all we have experienced in recent years.   In this podcast we explore how Terry sees the investment landscape at this time. We discuss the important of being proactive and creating diversification with a strong, well-structured, risk-aware off-farm investment portfolio, especially on the back of strong on-farm results.   We discuss in detail Terry’s investment philosophy, his track-record, and how he helps hundreds of farmers and investors across Australia to learn important, value-based investment skills, then take control of their investment portfolios.   Importantly, we explore Robert Kiyasaki’s Cashflow Quadrant (from the book ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’) and how each of us can create more wealth with a move over