Sales Reinvented

Prepare Tradeables to Remain Flexible in Negotiation via Randy Kutz, Ep #342



Randy Kutz believes that negotiators are missing opportunities if they aren’t planning. Why is it so important? High stakes B2B negotiations take time. You have to build relationships. If you’re not prepared to negotiate and reach a successful outcome, the quality of the deal suffers. You might still come to an agreement—but it could have been better if you prepared.  If someone enters an agreement they don’t like, they’ll look for every opportunity to kill that deal. If you stumble in your preparation, it may decrease the likelihood of future partnerships with your counterpart. If you’re not prepared, the power balance shifts to the other side.  These are just a few of the reasons why negotiation preparation is a must. Randy covers the topic in more detail in this episode of Sales Reinvented!  Outline of This Episode [1:02] Why planning and preparation is an important step in negotiation [4:50] The key steps you should take to prepare for a negotiation [11:25] The attributes or characteristics that make a g