Your Mileage May Vary

Audio Orgasms, Male-Female Sex Differences, New Porn Subreddit, Sex Clean Up, MFM Orgasm Disaster



A kind listener wrote in to ask some questions and to provide us with what I have to admit is a pretty good audio of her masturbation session and orgasm. I want to mention this up front, because we'd certainly like to receive more content like this in the future. From women. Not from men. But also, if you like listening to women orgasm, you should consider listening to this episode now. What would you do if you proposed an MFM threesome to your female partner, whom you'd never provided an orgasm through intercourse alone, and within the first minute of the other man penetrating her she had an orgasm. A pretty crushing situation for the man, and confusing for the woman. She's thinking, "He's going to be so happy I had fun." He's wondering, "Why is this other guy's cock so much more effective than mine?" What's going on in a situation where a woman feels so unable to refuse sex that even when she has Covid she feels obligated. And, is she really proud to be able to offer him "all three holes"? Or is it just som