Grief, Guts And Green Smoothies

112: Shame - In Grief & Life



Melissa goes in-depth on one of the most powerful forces that drive our subconscious behavior and emotional responses. Unfortunately, many prefer to avoid talking about it. Yet, if addressed, we can make massive progress. It’s shame.What comes up for you when you hear the word shame? How does your body respond? What emotions come to the surface? In this episode, Melissa describes what it means that our energies have a depth chart and walks you through a helpful visual exercise. She offers tips on addressing binge behaviors and why hip openers can be so emotional. She also exposes why it’s never about the what but the why. And at the end, she shares the antidote to shame. Shame is something we all deal with and manage throughout our life. This episode offers the inside perspective to face it down for good.About the podcastGrief and Guts is for anyone navigating:Bereaved parentsAging parentsDivorceEmpty nestFertility journeyJob lossRelationship endingMovingThe loss of sense of selfThe loss of life envisionedMee
