Feminine As F*ck

291: Creating Your Dream Life Series | Part 3: The Fear of Spending Money on Your Dream Life



Most people say that money is one of the most stressful aspects of their lives, which is why this is the perfect topic to wrap up the Creating Your Dream Life series. Please NOTE that Queen Alchemy (Round 11) closes its doors at the end of February 2023, and the payment plan option for the Australia Immersion will also only be available until the end of Feb. 2023. So please do not wait to take action on either of these offers. Save this episode, as it has tons of journal prompts and reminders that you will want to come back to (time stamps below). Listen to the WHOLE episode for journal prompts and homework, and do not turn it off until Monica says goodbye cause she mentions an exciting travel moment coming up that you don't want to miss out on seeing! In part three of this series: