Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Overcoming your Past to Create Your Future with Nicholas Bayerle



Have you had a pivotal moment in your life? One that changed your trajectory for good (or not so good)?   I rarely bring guests onto the show, so when I do, it’s very intentional. I want to ensure the people you hear from bring you forward on your journey to your best life.   I’m joined on today’s podcast by Nick Bayerle. I met Nick when we were both in a mastermind together, and we immediately bonded over our love for the Lord and calling to build epic businesses.   Nick Bayerle is the CEO of Billion Dollar Body and Creator of the Billion Dollar Brotherhood. He's the host of the BDB podcast, an international speaker, and author of the Modern Day Businessman.   I invited Nick on because he reminds us that just as life can change for the negative in a moment, it can also change for the positive. Listen to this episode to discover how Nick used his past (difficult parts included) to catapult him onto a positive trajectory and overcome.   The biggest takeaways from today’s episode: You can fl