Alba Salix, Royal Physician

Getting More Alba In Your Life - December 2018



Happy Holidays, everyone! We've got a few announcements to round out the year. First, thank you to everyone who's reviewed, drawn art or shared the show with others — it makes our day every time. Now that Alba Season 2 is out, we're commencing work on the next six episodes of The Axe & Crown! Those will be on the way next year, so stay tuned to this feed. Meanwhile, if you haven't already, check out our actual play/improv comedy podcast, The End of Time and Other Bothers, set in the Alba universe and featuring some familiar voices. We've just released Episode 15, our holiday special, and we'll be back on our every-two-weeks schedule starting January 13. Finally, please check out our Patreon page for more Alba content. Patrons at all levels get our Farlorian Fridays bonuses, which will include episode commentaries, sound effects and music breakdowns, and lots more. And $5+ patrons can hear bonus scenes specially recorded during our Alba Season 2 studio days! AND if you become a $5+ Patreon donor before January