Fums: Giving Multiple Sclerosis The Finger

FUMS 079 - He Has MS and He’s Running 162 Miles



Matt LaFrance is a 37-year-old husband and father of three young boys from San Jose, CA. He was diagnosed with MS in 2009 at the age of 25. In May he will be running 162 miles in six days as part of the 2021 MS Run the US relay team. I’ll let that sink in. 162 miles in six days. AND he has MS! MS Run the US is the longest annual relay run across America. It’s an epic 3,260-mile run to stop MS! The relay begins in April in Santa Monica, CA and finishes in August in New York. The relay team is made up of 19 runners hand-selected from a pool of applicants nationwide.  Matt is running the MS Run The US relay to inspire those who have been recently diagnosed and support those living with MS who have not been as fortunate as him. If you're able, please consider donating to this worthy cause and supporting Matt. Topics covered in this episode include: Matt’s diagnosis story and his life since then Why he decided to combat his illness with exercise, diet, and supplements, rather than DMTs  Why Matt views his MS